In this age of internet and e-mail, it is tempting to believe that one can completely avoid the cost of traveling to a new market to seal business deals. But the reality is: travel is essential. Face-to-face meetings play a pivotal role in negotiating deals, selling products, and building long-term relationships. Trade missions can “fast track” market development and often result in immediate sales orders.
Participating in a WTCGP-sponsored trade mission is a cost-effective way to meet potential customers, agents, distributors and joint venture partners.
Through our trade missions, we provide:
Pre-mission seminars on business opportunities and cultural
considerations before going to the market.
A discovery consultation to determine your objectives and
strategy for the market.
Pre-arranged business matchmaking meetings with potential
buyers, distributors, and partners based on your objectives.
Opportunities to meet with key government and industry
officials to get their perspective on in-country opportunities and economic
Networking events to meet and discuss opportunities with
fellow trade mission attendees and local professionals.
Recent and planned trade missions organized by the WTCGP:
February 2013 – Colombia & Panama Trade Mission Briefing
April 2013 – Inbound South Africa Mission
June 2013 – Inbound Zambia Mission
The WTCGP also supports, recruits for, and actively promotes the trade missions and trade shows organized through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Export Assistance Program.